Tony Gallardo

Redwood Tax Specialists

We help accountants get high-paying virtual bookkeeping & tax clients without spending any money on marketing.

Welcome to Redwood Tax Specialists

CPAs across the country are plugging into our back-office team of CPAs and tax advisors. Many CPAs and accountants see top-line revenues increase by as much as 60% in their first year, and we do all of the work for them. Let us help you too, to increase your advisory service and lessen your labor-intensive hours.

As the saying goes, there are only two certain things in this world: death and taxes.

Fortunately, when it comes to taxes, you have a large amount of control over how much you pay to Uncle Sam. But the average American struggles to understand their own tax burden, and business tax compliance is even more complicated and confusing. The tax code is over 80,000 pages long—that means even the best CPAs can’t be experts in every single area and strategy. 

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